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Oyster Tray Set | Shucker Paddy

Product Features The Shucker Paddy Oyster Tray Set is a unique, stylish and innovative 2-in-1 tray that allows you to shuck and serve oysters on the same tray To shuck oysters, place the Wooden Puck onto the centre of the tray. The Puck allows you to hold the oyster firmly...

Swissmar Imports, Inc. (USA)

Seafood Tools

828 In Stock

Product Features

  • The Shucker Paddy Oyster Tray Set is a unique, stylish and innovative 2-in-1 tray that allows you to shuck and serve oysters on the same tray
  • To shuck oysters, place the Wooden Puck onto the centre of the tray. The Puck allows you to hold the oyster firmly while you shuck. The Stainless Steel Tray acts as a stabilizer and captures the juice and the shell of the oyster.
  • To serve oysters, place a generous amount of crushed ice onto the Stainless Steel Tray and place oysters around the tray. 
  • Tray can hold up to 24 oysters, depending on size.
  • Tray is made of 0.8mm high-quality Stainless Steel
  • Impress your guests with the Shucker Paddy Oyster Tray Set
  • Designed by World Renowned Shucker: Patrick McMurray - Guinness Record Holder of 38 oysters opened in one minute

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