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Long Pepper (ounce)

Also known as piper longum, Pippali, Pipal, Bengal Pepper, Indonesian Long Pepper, Lada Panjong, Thippili, Java pepper or Javanese pepper in various regions around the world. Long Pepper is native to India and Indonesia and ours is grown in Indonesia. The earliest Europeans to use pepper were the Greeks who...

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Also known as piper longum, Pippali, Pipal, Bengal Pepper, Indonesian Long Pepper, Lada Panjong, Thippili, Java pepper or Javanese pepper in various regions around the world. Long Pepper is native to India and Indonesia and ours is grown in Indonesia. The earliest Europeans to use pepper were the Greeks who called this spice peperi which originates from Sanskrit. When the empires of the Mediterranean transitioned from the Greeks to the Romans, the Roman’s became the region’s primary consumers of pepper . Roman cuisine was centered around Eastern spices with both regular black pepper and long pepper playing leading roles.

While the flavor closely resembles regular black pepper it has a hotter taste with sweet and somewhat earthy, gingery undertones. You won't find many recipes calling specifically for Long Pepper but grind to a powder and add it to coleslaw, fresh fruit or experiment in any dish where it's unique flavor characteristics aren't overshadowed.

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