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Nantucket Oyster Knife (Wood Handle)

The Nantucker oyster knife's short, blunt stainless steel blade allows you to pry open the shells quickly and easily. Its natural wooden handle is easy to grip, providing a secure hold. Whether opting to enjoy the oysters raw, grilled, fried, or sautéed, having this handy tool on deck will help...

Fox Run Craftsmen

Seafood Tools

2 In Stock

The Nantucker oyster knife's short, blunt stainless steel blade allows you to pry open the shells quickly and easily. Its natural wooden handle is easy to grip, providing a secure hold. Whether opting to enjoy the oysters raw, grilled, fried, or sautéed, having this handy tool on deck will help you get to enjoying them quicker at yow, grilled, fried, or sautéed, having this handy tool on deck will help you get to enjoying them quicker at your next seafood feast.


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