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Grip Mitt Red Set/2

GRIPmitt®  is the only cooking mitt you will ever need in the kitchen and at the grill station. This innovative and versatile mitt provides for dexterous, safe and easy handling of hot, cold and raw foods; hot pots and pans while prepping, cooking, grilling, carving and slicing.  Hygienically slice breads without using...

Wow Gear

Pot Holder/Oven Mitt

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GRIPmitt®  is the only cooking mitt you will ever need in the kitchen and at the grill station. This innovative and versatile mitt provides for dexterous, safe and easy handling of hot, cold and raw foods; hot pots and pans while prepping, cooking, grilling, carving and slicing. 

Hygienically slice breads without using a hand towel and prepare raw meats, poultry and vegetables without bare hands. Slice cooked meats and carve cooked poultry without burning your hands or using a carving fork. It’s designed to work naturally in your hands while improving your cooking skills and cooking hygiene. 

GRIPmitt® is made of 100% heat and cold resistant Silicone that is dishwasher safe, and it eliminates the need to use cloth hand towels & kitchen mitts that retain dirt and bacteria. Get A Grip On Cooking® and keep your kitchen orderly and clean.

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