Sel Gris - Grey Salt (ounce)
Sel Gris is also known as Celtic Salt or French Grey Salt and has become increasingly popular in the mainstream culinary world in the last few years, with many salt aficionados' believing that it is the best quality salt available. Grey salt is considered an unrefined "moist" sea salt, and is typically found in French Atlantic coast region of Brittany. It's light grey color is a natural occurring process of the minerals being absorbed from the clay lining the salt ponds.
The Brittany region is known for the marshes and low lying areas ideally suited for salt fields. The water currents of the Atlantic Ocean run cleaner there than in many other salt harvesting locations and this convergence of mother nature makes this a perfect area for the finest salt farm region in the world.
The texture of Sel Gris is a bit softer than the popular Fleur de Sel but just as delicate.The delightful flavor of Celtic Salt offers a complex balance of sea minerals with large grey crystals and a moist texture. Perfectly suited for seasoning both meats and vegetables --- just one taste and you'll understand why professional chefs worldwide tout its amazing flavorful qualities.