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Organic Black Peppercorns (ounce)

Black pepper, Piper nigrum, is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, and is cultivated for its fruit. When the fruit is left on the vine to fully mature, it is approximately 2/10” in diameter, dark red in color and contains a single seed. When dried, the fruit is known...

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Black pepper, Piper nigrum, is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, and is cultivated for its fruit. When the fruit is left on the vine to fully mature, it is approximately 2/10” in diameter, dark red in color and contains a single seed. When dried, the fruit is known as a peppercorn. Both the whole peppercorn and the ground peppercorn are frequently referred to as simply ‘pepper’.

Good with eggs, fish, pork, chicken, salads, soup, strawberries and tomatoes. Works well in combination with basil, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cumin, garlic, ginger, nutmeg, parsley, rosemary, thyme and turmeric.

Black peppercorns are harvested while still green in color and at this stage are considered to be unripe berries. The berries are cooked briefly in hot water and then dried. It's during this stage that the peppercorn becomes shriveled and wrinkled and turns to its recognized black or brown color. Green peppercorns are the unripe dried fruit (not cooked), and white peppercorns are the fruit that is allowed to almost fully ripen before they are harvested.

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